Kerbside to Kerbside delivery- what does it mean?

Often when you book a courier you are told it’s a ‘Kerbside to Kerbside’ service. What does that actually mean?

It’s a term most commonly heard when delivering furniture or large items that require a two person team.

As a customer it means your goods are not delivered to your doorstep, but onto the kerbside. The driver is under no obligation to help you move it through the garden gates or even through your doorway. This can leave you feeling pretty miffed off at the delivery company and the company where you bought your sofa, Aga or fridge freezer.

At Arrow Light Haulage, the Essex based courier company, our drivers will help you decide where you want your products delivered to. We also deliver at a time convenient to you, even if thats after 6pm or at weekends, we don’t mind – we know what it’s like, taking a day off of work. Waiting, waiting and when you ring up you are told it’s either AM delivery or PM delivery, and you are left wondering whether you have time to pop up the shop for a pint of milk…

We phone all customers the day of delivery and give them an estimated time of arrival. The driver will them call or text your mobile an hour before the delivery is due, so that you can get home (if you work nearby) or pop out for that pint of milk.

Our drivers are not insured to enter your house when making a delivery, but if you are happy for them to assist you, then they will help. They would not dream of leaving your new sofa on the kerbside, unless you wanted them to.

When you buy a large item, whether it has ‘free’ delivery or is charged, be sure to ask where it will be delivered to, and whether the driver will assist you. If the answer is no, then give us a call or drop us an email, and we will be happy to collect and deliver on your behalf.

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